Time is a precious commodity no matter what you do. As a result, personal development is often one of the first things to be cut out of a busy day. But technology offers us some neat solutions to be able to deliver targeted, efficient learning and development.
Our virtual learning solution offers simulated classroom training without ever having to leave the office. These trainer-led virtual sessions are typically 1-2 hours and we use them to support Managers develop their knowledge and understanding of some of the key leadership principles.
These virtual sessions are interactive and will usually be focused on a single topic. No-one can sit through hours of learning in front of a screen so we find this approach keeps the sessions short and engaging. We also make use of the feature-rich platform we use meaning we can carry out polls and share content as well as facilitate the sessions.
Challenge is great for stimulating learning so our facilitators aren’t shy! You’ll find our sessions provoke discussion and debate as well as help the attendees to understand the practical application of what they’re learning.
If these sessions form part of a leadership development programme they’re perfect placed in between face to face sessions to keep the momentum and commitment levels high.
If you’re interested in seeing how these work in practice, we run several free-to-join virtual sessions on current topics so have a look when the next ones are scheduled for!